is EXMLDNet?
EXMLDNet converts the Ninja Chunk Models for
the SEGA Dreamcast and other SEGA games that use the Ninja
Graphic Library into other formats readable by most PC modeling
ExMLDNet supports:
-Importing of .NJ (Dreamcast Ninja Models) and MLD (Skies of Arcadia
Container File). It also unpacks .BML files (used in PSO),
and does .PRS Compression/Decompression. It does not decode the
model data from any compressed sources, and will likely crash
spectacularly when trying to do so.
-Exporting to RAW triangles, Wavefront OBJ
(Textures, no rigging), and Milkshape ASCII (Textures, Rigging).
Other output formats will be considered as the project
-Viewing the overall structure of the model in a
tree like fashion.
Wrote it?
Steven Pettit (Model Converter)
Andrew Doane
(PVRT Export Library)
Syphos and DeathRabbit (BML Handling
Source Code)
Fuzziqer (PRS Compression Library)
do you Install it?
Simply unZIP the downloaded file, and
run the installer.
do I use it?
Under the File Menu, you should have Convert,
Scan, and Exit. Convert does the conversion work,
choose an input format, an output format, and a model scale - the
model will be scaled by this number when exported. Scan
is the tree view of the model. Models are listed by offset
into the file. Exit should be self explanatory.
Help Menu doesn't provide any at the moment.
However, it does display the current version and author in the
output window.
a few other odds and ends...
requires the Microsoft .NET runtime 2.0 to run. Get it from
-This is Beta
software, use at your own risk. You have been warned.
The software was stable on my machine, and
it really doesn't do anything to your system beyond installing
itself into a directory, but you never know with Windows.
ExMLDNet for a name? It's the name of the Class I wrote to
handle a majority of the work. It's also written in
programming languages that use the .Net Common Language
-With Version 1.0 rc4a, the
source code will be available for download. It is written in VB
.NET 2005. It's not very readable. However, any suggestions
for improvements will be much appreciated...
-"Your program sucks, I can write
better!" Feel free to do so. The Documentation
is out there, you just have to find it, like I did.
program is awesome!" Thank You!
Send bug reports,
suggestions, and praise to : kryslin at worldnet dot att dot net.
page last edited 4 Feb 2008)
and Skies of Arcadia is
copyright SEGA, 1999-2007, all rights reserved,
All works here are the work of Steven Pettit, 2002-2008.
While not copyrighted, please don't use them without asking first